Family History Books that Educate and Inspire
Family history involves everything from tree climbing with paper trails and genetics, to memory keeping and story writing. Throw in a few organization principles and inspiring memoirs and you have a library of valuable information at unbeatable prices.
All books are available through Amazon, but you can obtain autographed copies of print titles when you purchase a combo packs through our store.

Whether you have 1 hour or 1 year to downsize your possessions or those of a loved one, the task is overwhelming and fraught with error. Downsizing with Family History in Mind guides you through the process with Action Plans based on the time you have available to complete the downsizing process.
You will also learn how to evaluate your possessions so you know what to keep to preserve your family's legacy and what you can give away.
Learn why when you have less, you have more, through Downsizing with Family History in Mind. Learn more about this book.

"Which is the best testing company for adoptees?"
"Why did I receive completely different ethnicity results when I uploaded my AncestryDNA results to and MyHeritage?"
"On 23andMe in DNA relatives, a woman is my father's half-sister. He doesn't have a half-sister. What is going on?"
Genetic genealogy generates compelling questions as people around the world attempt to understand haplogroups, ethnicity, and genetic matches. DNA Q&A shares the questions you have and the answers from author Andrew Lee. Learn more about this book.

A Recipe for Writing Family History takes the fuss out of writing stories of your ancestors - the ones you’ve met and those you have not. This writing recipe will flood your mind with family stories and give you the confidence to put their lives in a readable form. You will move past writer’s block and fill pages with facts and details you never thought possible.
A Recipe for Writing Family History is the best way to start writing today. Your ancestors will be “Gone, But Not Forgotten.” Learn more about this book.

A "What To" guide for genealogy that changes the way you think about family history. Reimagine Family History covers where to discover the stories of your family history.
Learn how to evaluate your reasons why you're climbing your family tree. Set goals and tasks to accomplish your purpose. In the end, you'll climb further, faster and have more fun when you know the right place to start with family history. Learn more about this book.

Are years of photos scattered around your house or tucked in drawers? Are your children grown and out of the house or aging way too fast but you haven't begun recording their memories?
Scrapbooking is a way to cherish childhood and life, but it frightens many people because of the enormity of the task. How do you scrapbook without feeling overwhelmed? How do you create books quickly so that you don't spend the next 30 years scrapbooking the past 30 years and never get to the 'current' stuff?
Power Scrapbooking for paper and digital scrapbooks answers the call and breaks down the tasks into achievable steps. Get caught up quickly, no matter your scrapbooking style!

Do you want to publish your family history research but feel limited by the lack of content that you have?
Family History Scrapbooking Simplified helps you map out your heritage using photos, documents, or the content you have. Are you frustrated with the lack of creative control that large photo book printers offer?
Family History Scrapbooking Simplified suggests a way to take creative control over your project using digital scrapbooking software. Are you ready to create a heritage scrapbook but do not know what to include in the such a project? Family History Scrapbooking Simplified explains what to put in your projects from a genealogical perspective.
Author Memoirs
Devon Noel is a former beauty queen, and Andrew is an old English Class Smart-Alec. They've published their memoirs to help inspire you to write your own. Seriously, if they can write their stories, you can write yours - no matter how silly you may think it is.
Everyone has to take high school English. Andrew found a few ways to make it fun! Read through this collection of Andrew's writings from high school along with his present-day commentary and memories about the events surrounding the writings.
There are book reports, original poems, research papers, and creative writing. Some of them will make you laugh. Some of them will bore you to tears (don't worry, they probably bored Andrew to tears as well). Some of them may help you realize that the boring high school English class can actually be fun!

When you wear holey jeans, rock concert T-shirts, and frizzy headbanger hair, why would you trade it all in for sequins, rhinestones, and Cinderella high heels? One day a woman planted a transforming fantasy in my heavy-metal-infused brain and mesmerized me with visions of tiaras and roses. When I asked my father if I could participate in my first pageant, he shouted, "You want to do what?"
I then wondered, "Was this dream of beauty pageant glory too far-fetched for a dress-hating tomboy? Was this heavy metal duckling too ugly to ever achieve the crown?"
Devon takes you on her journey through the teen years as she dives headfirst into the world of pageantry. Includes more than 100 photos documenting her quest for the crown.