The internet is filled with great content that can help us laugh, learn, and so much more, but I have wondered if it were possible to follow blogs and YouTube videos in one place. Yes! Feedly is the answer.
In this video, I show you how to find the RSS Feed URL for a YouTube channel such as Family History Fanatics and how to add that link to a feed reader such as Feedly.
Soon, you can access your favorite blogs and YouTube videos from one place! This is a life hack that you’ll be thrilled to use.
Why Use Feedly to Follow Genealogy Blogs and YouTube Channels
I LOVE YouTube videos and reading blog posts about genealogy, but following my favorite channels and writers has become a pain.
I can’t rely on Social Media to remind me when a new video or post is released. Not all channels and blog authors have mailing lists to notify me of new releases.
I searched for a year for a solution and found that Feedly was the solution to follow blogs and videos.
The Feedly feed reader allows us to subscribe to YouTube channels alongside blogs. If I don’t log into Feedly for a week, I can see up to 15 of the latest videos, so I never miss another episode! How cool is that?
But first, I had to figure out how to find the RSS Feed for a YouTube Channel.
Finding an RSS feed for YouTube
Finding the RSS feed is tricky, but the above video simplifies the process.
I did need to find the foundation for the URL formula for the YouTube RSS feed. It looks like this:
Then I need to add the channel ID for a YouTube Channel, such as this one for Family History Fanatics UCmkKepHoafldMRZ4UNt0Akw
When I put the channel ID with the RSS Feed Url base, I’ll have a link that looks like this:
Don’t click on that link, as it’s a bunch of code. Instead, copy it and put it in Feedly (or info reader). Then, you can opt-in to follow the YouTube channel.
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