Are you confused about how to transfer your information between two online trees, FamilySearch and Ancestry? You’re not alone, and it’s time to discuss keeping the trees somewhat compatible.
Terry wrote, “I’m a relative newcomer to this. I have some info stored on Ancestry.com but want to transfer it to FamilySearch. How do I transfer only a few names at a time? I can do the whole tree but need help only doing part of it.”
In this video, I address how to transfer little bits of information between the two online tree programs.
The Easy Way to Transfer Family Trees Between Ancestry and FamilySearch
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who have a Partner Access account with Ancestry.com have it easy. Starting at 1:57, I discuss how members of The Church of Jesus Christ can quickly transfer information between the two trees.
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The Harder Way to Transfer Family Trees Between Ancestry and FamilySearch
There is no easy button for those who have a more robust Ancestry subscription and are members of the church mentioned above or thosenot of that faith.
At the 7:56 mark in this video, I address using RootsMagic to transfer information from FamilySearch to Ancestry or vice versa. It becomes easier AFTER you go through the hassle of choosing to transfer from Ancestry to FamilySearch first or the other way around.
For information about setting up RootsMagic to transfer files, check out this video with the programmer himself!
Thanks for the question, Terry. Hopefully, you’ll be able to share information more easily between your trees on Ancestry and FamilySearch.