Can online trees help you break through your genealogy brick walls? That's the question we're going to tackle. First, we'll discuss the trustworthiness of online family trees. Then, I'll wrap things up by demonstrating how I use online trees to help me find clues for my 4th great-grandfather, John Townley.
Where to Find Online Family Trees
Online family trees can appear anywhere on the internet. Using Google searches may help you find personal websites and blogs featuring family trees. Several genealogy websites have family tree building as an essential tool for sharing and organization research. I have demonstrated how to use each of the following sites and their tree-building features.
You can also explore Geni and WikiTree for family tree-sharing experiences. The internet abounds with many online trees, but you must be careful what you believe. (Enjoy a humorous warning about why to not trust online trees.)
What Things Should You Know Before Using Someone Else’s Research
In the video Should You Trust an Online Family Tree? I emphasize caution when using these digital genealogy resources.
In many cases, the trees are neither entirely false nor entirely accurate. When exploring an online tree, evaluate every fact, source, and relationship as clues until you validate them. Ask yourself the following questions:
Does the tree have sources?
What is the quality of those sources?
Do the dates make sense?
Are the children with the correct mothers (and fathers)?
Are the dates and places possible, given the time?
If you proceed with caution, you can find clues in other researchers' online trees.
Watch this research plan development process in action in this video.
Clues in Personal Family Tree Websites
Over the years, I’ve found numerous clues on genealogy message boards and websites. In the case of my genealogy brick wall, John Townley, I found the following:
Townley Family Tree Site
A Townley family researcher said that Cole Townley connected Effingham Townley as the father of John Townley [of Cincinnati] via a story about George Washington Townley (a possible brother).
Should I accept this family legend as gospel truth?
Of course not. I need to ask the following questions before accepting the statement.
Who is Cole?
What evidence does he have to back up his research?
Who was the original storyteller?
Is this George Washington Townley, the same one I found in the 1840 US Census record in the previous video?
Genealogy Message Board
Ten years ago, I learned about a family Bible for John Townley's descendants on a well-known message board. Apparently, an entry connects him to a specific Effingham Townley.
While this Bible seems to support the internment record and death register, can I accept the website's declaration that the Bible says it's true?
I can not. I'm still waiting for someone in the Townley family to share pictures of the Bible. In the meantime, I will look for other online family tree resources.
Finding Clues on the FamilySearch Family Tree
In 2012, when FamilySearch released the shared family tree. Eight years ago, my brick wall was solved because someone had connected my parents to John Townley in the family tree!!!
It's time for a genealogy happy dance!
Or, Or not.
As I shared in this video, The Power of Peer Review in Genealogy, I highly recommend reviewing others' genealogy research. Ensure they use quality, relevant sources before you accept any family tree.
As I demonstrated in the video above, I quickly disproved the family tree. I had to remove John from the wrong set of parents.
On the surface, FamilySearch's clues failed to hold up to scrutiny. Yet, clues lurked below the surface that pointed me toward a potential father.
↪️ Are you struggling to break through your brick walls?
Grab your copy of this FREE Brick Wall Busting Guide.
The Clue in an Online Tree That Changed My Hypothesis
As I explored the wrong parental links on FamilySearch and the previously mentioned personal websites, I discovered an often repeated story in the Townley families.
Apparently, the first Townley in America was named John Townley. He came from England. He was Sir John Townley, who was knighted by the king and lived in Townley Hall. It was the forebearer of Col Richard Townley.
Using Google for my genealogy question, I found a Wikipedia Article about

This article provided the catalyst for why the Townleys from Elizabeth, New Jersey, named their sons Effingham. Richard Townley, a well-known leader, was connected to Lord Effingham.
I have three clues that combine with this notable historical figure to warrant further investigation.
John Townley's family names its children after their forebearers, one of which is his great-grandson, John Effingham Townley.
John Townley's internment record at Spring Grove Cemetery links him to a father named Effingham.
John's son Asa's internment record links the family to Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Develop Hypothesis Based on the Research of Others:
If Col. Richard Townley is John Townley's distant direct ancestor, I should use a different search strategy.
I'll use the descendancy research method, spoken of in this video, to find descendants of Col. Townley named Effingham. John's likely father should be named Effingham, be of the right age, and be in the right location to cross his path.

Starting with Col Richard Townley's (d. 1711 in Elizabeth, New Jersey) profile on FamilySearch, I found the following descendants named Effingham Townley.
Effingham Townley (b. 1710) and Rebecca Crane
Effingham Townley (b. 1690) and Sarah Evetts
Effingham Townley Jr (b. 1729) and Jemina Earl
Effingham Townley (b 1759) and Rhoda
In my blog posts, Brick Wall and Inferential Genealogy, I went further. I created a graphic showing the relationship of all the Effinghams alive and living in New Jersey around John's birth year of 1801.
Biologically, only Effingham Townley (b 1759) and Rhoda could be the parents of John Townley (b. 1801). This couple had the following children:
Do you notice anything that aligns with my previous research?
In the 1830 Census, I found the following Townleys living in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. They are listed by name, the number of individuals in their household, gender, and age group.
Caleb Townley, 5, m 20 thru 29
William Townley, 3, m 30 thru 39
John Townley, 5, m 20 thru 29
William Townley, 3, m 30 thru 39
Catherine Townley, 3, f 20 thru 29
Joshua Townley, 4, m 70 thru 79
Richard Townley, 7, m 30 thru 39
My spidey senses began tingling, but I'm not satisfied that I have enough evidence to conclude that this family group relates to my John Townley.
If you want your own genealogy research plan template, get a copy of my Research Plan Template and print it out or use it online.
Time to Update My Research Plan
For now, I must turn to my genealogy research plan and record what I have discovered.
For Goal 1, I can update my theory that Effingham Townley and Rhoda might be the parents of John Townley (who moved to Cincinnati). As such, John's siblings are Caleb, William, Richard, and Abby.
I also note that George and Major Townley are not John's brothers. I must return to the FamilySearch family tree to see if they are cousins.
Additionally, I could use two analytical tools to keep track of my clues, along with my genealogy research plan. These tools are covered in the following videos:
At this point, I don't need a clue web or mind map, so I'll update my genealogy research plan as follows.

John Townley Genealogy Research Series
My Genealogy Research Brick Wall: The John Townley Case Study
Clues on Death Records for My Genealogy Brick Wall: The John Townley Case Study
Using Descendancy Research for Clues to Bust a Genealogy Brick Wall
Research Early US Census Records for Genealogy Clues to Bust Brick Walls
Online Family Trees - Can you find clues for your genealogy brick walls? (YOU'RE HERE)
Using Wills and Probate Records For Clues to Bust Genealogy Brick Walls
City Directories Research Clues for Genealogy Brick Wall Busting
How Land Records Helped Me Chip Away at My Genealogy Brick Walls
Researching Same-Named Individuals to Solve Genealogy Brick Walls
Can Ancestry DNA ThruLines Help Solve Genealogy Brick Walls?