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Need entertaining and educational speakers for your conference or workshop?

Hire a dynamic duo that can teach individually or as a tag team. The Family History Fanatics offer energizing and educational workshops and seminars.

Audiences love Andy & Devon Noel's chemistry, varying perspectives, and the fact that they're married. 

Find them at an appearance near you or request them for your next genealogy event. 

As seen at: 

RootsTech Logo
Jamboree Logo

Andrew Lee

He's called the "Gordon Ramsey of genealogy, without the swearing." 

British records, DNA / Understanding Genetics, Beginning Genealogy, Self-publishing Writing,, Cool Tools for Genealogy


Andrew Lee

Devon Noel Lee

She speaks with so much energy she should bottle it up and sell it. 


Beginning Genealogy, Digitization, Preservation, Downsizing, Online Genealogy, Brick Wall Busting,  Self-publishing, Writing Family Histories, Scrapbooking / Memory Keeping, Census Records, City Directories, Cemetery Research, Applied Genealogy Proof Standard, Roots Magic


Devon Noel Lee

As seen at the following conferences

RootsTech Speaker
Texas Genealogy Conference Speaker
Genealogy Jamboree Writing Conferene

Hire us for your next event.

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BYU Family History Conference Speaker
Family Tree University
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